Making Connections

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

In reading this week, we learned about making connections. 

Children make personal connections with the text by using their schema (background knowledge).  There are three main types of connections we make while reading text.
  • Text-to-Self  refers to connections made between the text and the reader's personal experience. 
  • Text-to-Text refers to connections made between a text being read to a text that was previously read.
  • Text-to-World refers to connections made between a text being read and something that occurs in the world.

    It is important to activate children's schema (background knowledge) before, during, and after reading.

This week we read Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse and Julius The Baby of The World by Kevin Henkes. These books were great in teaching the students connections.  Have your child tell you about the books and then the connections they made with those books. What did the books remind them of in their life? How were the books alike? 

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