HEART Humane Education

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

For the next eight weeks, we will be participating in the HEART Program.  Ms. Karena is our instructor from HEART. Through interactive stories, role-plays and other activities, the children will identify and examine feelings and learn strategies for taking care of themselves and others. Below, is a brief explanation of the weekly curriculum. 

WEEK 1: The Circle of Compassion
During this session, young children learn about the “circle of compassion,” a main tenet of humane education. Session activities explore personal self-worth and value.

WEEK 2: Companion Animals or Wild Animals?
Children learn about the needs, likes and behaviors of various animals in order to discover which ones make excellent companion animals and which ones do not.

WEEK 3: Becoming Companion Animal Advocates
This lesson examines some of the dos and don’ts of pet care. The children will also discuss ideas for becoming companion animal advocates.

WEEK 4: Feeling, Feelings and More Feelings
The children witness a puppet scenario in which two puppet characters have a disagreement which leads to a demonstration of strong emotions and hurtful behavior. When they help the puppets, the children learn how feelings affect human actions, too.

WEEK 5: Conflict--Not!
By helping two characters solve a conflict, the children examine some important tenets of effective communication and problem-solving.

WEEK 6: Revisiting Human Rights and Animal Welfare through Story Children listen to a story and problem-solve endings based upon what they have learned about taking care of animals and each other.

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