Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

     Yesterday, was Ms. Karena's last day with us. She spent 8 weeks with us! We are definitely going to miss her!! During these 8 weeks, we learned a lot about humane education. We learned about taking care of animals, how animals and people show feelings and emotions, and about conflict resolution.  You can learn more about the HEART program here.  

     For her last day, she read us a book called Listen to the Wind: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.  We learned that many children our age do not have the luxury of attending school in buildings like ours. Many of them don't even have books, pencils and paper. This book helped open our eyes to different countries and cultures. 

    After reading the book, Ms. Karena took out a string instrument called the Appalachian dulcimer.  We were so excited to hear her play it for us! We even made up a song about all the things we learned in her visits with us. Below, are a few pics and even a video of us singing our song! 

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