Technology Projects

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Technology serves a major function in this classroom to collaborate and connect with students across the globe.  Safety and proper usage of the chosen technology is therefore vital for this classroom to be successful in its implementation.  This explanation is intended to inform and expand on the most common types of technology that will be integrated throughout the year. 

Flip Video Cameras:  Students use video cameras throughout the year to capture their learning and for presentations.  We also use the cameras to capture specific student work to be published on our classroom website.

Digital Cameras:  Students and teachers take pictures of our projects and classroom activities.  These images are often displayed on our classroom bulletin board, used for publication on our website, and once in a while are included in presentations we conduct to teach other educators.  

Skype:  Skype is used to connect with others on a global scale.  We use this video phone call service to speak to other classrooms from around the world.

KidBlog:  This student blogging website is an integrated part of our learning.  The blog’s main function will be to promote a continual writing process, featuring book reviews, poetry, journal reflections as well as a chance for students to develop critical thinking skills as they comment and guide each other.   KidBlog provides us with an incredible chance to develop our writing in multiple formats.

EduGlogster:  This online poster creation site allows students to create unique posters with video, sound, pictures, and clip art.  We use this for presentations and to showcase learning throughout the year.
These tools are the ones most frequently used in our classroom.  Others may be introduced throughout the year with proper guidance.

Any student and/or their school work will be identified by first name only.  No last names will be mentioned.
In an effort to respect parent and guardian wishes regarding the use of your child’s image or work, we ask that you read the consent form that was sent home, indicate your preference, and sign and return.

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