10 Ways to Be a Better Reader


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

10 ways to be a better reader......read REad rEAD REaD reAD read read rEad ReAd READ!!!! 

It doesn't matter the amount of books your child reads, it's the amount of quality time spent reading books on their independent reading level that's important. We measure the amount of time spent reading in steps. Every 15 minutes your child reads independently, they achieve 1 step. Some children may read 1 or 2 books during the 15 minutes, and others may read more. However, it doesn't matter how many books they read, as long as they are reading during that time. 

Our reading goal is for the students to read for 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes at home. For a total of 4 steps per day. 

Once they read for the 30 minutes, they choose 2 of their favorite books they read during that time and write the title, date, pages read and reading level down on their log sheet. Then, in the area marked "coaches signature", a parent, guardian or teacher signs their name, verifying that the child did in fact earn their reading steps.

Every night your child will take home his/her blue 100 Book Challenge reading book bag. Inside, your child will have 5 books to read as well as a reading folder which contains their reading log.  

Every 20 steps, your child receives a special reading prize to reward them for reaching their independent reading goals. 

Thank you for helping your child achieve great independent reading behaviors that will help him/her reach their reading goals!

Enrichment Schedule


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Below is the enrichment schedule for class 2M9 and 3M7. Please make sure your children wear sneakers on gym days.

Class 2M9:

Monday:  Dance and Technology
Tuesday: Art and Science
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Art
Friday: Enrichment and Technology

Class 3M7:

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Enrichment and Science
Wednesday: Technology
Thursday: Art and Science
Friday: Technology

Breakfast: served every morning at 8:00am in the classroom 
Lunch: is at 12:10 
Dismissal: 2:50 every day  

Technology Projects


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Technology serves a major function in this classroom to collaborate and connect with students across the globe.  Safety and proper usage of the chosen technology is therefore vital for this classroom to be successful in its implementation.  This explanation is intended to inform and expand on the most common types of technology that will be integrated throughout the year. 

Flip Video Cameras:  Students use video cameras throughout the year to capture their learning and for presentations.  We also use the cameras to capture specific student work to be published on our classroom website.

Digital Cameras:  Students and teachers take pictures of our projects and classroom activities.  These images are often displayed on our classroom bulletin board, used for publication on our website, and once in a while are included in presentations we conduct to teach other educators.  

Skype:  Skype is used to connect with others on a global scale.  We use this video phone call service to speak to other classrooms from around the world.

KidBlog:  This student blogging website is an integrated part of our learning.  The blog’s main function will be to promote a continual writing process, featuring book reviews, poetry, journal reflections as well as a chance for students to develop critical thinking skills as they comment and guide each other.   KidBlog provides us with an incredible chance to develop our writing in multiple formats.

EduGlogster:  This online poster creation site allows students to create unique posters with video, sound, pictures, and clip art.  We use this for presentations and to showcase learning throughout the year.
These tools are the ones most frequently used in our classroom.  Others may be introduced throughout the year with proper guidance.

Any student and/or their school work will be identified by first name only.  No last names will be mentioned.
In an effort to respect parent and guardian wishes regarding the use of your child’s image or work, we ask that you read the consent form that was sent home, indicate your preference, and sign and return.



Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Dear Parents and Guardians:

The start of a new year holds the promise of new discovery and learning as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas.  It is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning.

So many exciting things will be happening this year!  Because of this, parents as well as children may have some apprehensions about what to expect.  It is extremely important to keep in mind that we all build on small successes.  Each child will progress at their own rate, acquiring skills as he/she is developmentally ready.  Maintaining each child's self-esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always remain a priority.  Here are some ways you can help:

1.      Celebrate your child's success, no matter how small it may seem.  This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work.
2.    Keep updated with your child’s folder. This folder will have important information for the week along with news of exciting events, as well as helpful reminders.
3.    Read to and with your child everyday to help expand and enrich their vocabularies, and broaden their experiences.
4.    Create an environment in your home that encourages learning. Provide them with many different opportunities to become excited about learning.
5.    Please do not hesitate to contact us with ANY questions or concerns!
Ms. Paino & Mrs. Montero



Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in


*If daily reading begins in infancy, by the time the child is five years old, he or she has been fed roughly 900 hours of brain food!

*Reduce that experience to just 30 minutes a week, and the child's hungry mind lose 770 hours of nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and stories.

*A kindergarten student who has not been read aloud to could enter school with less than 60 hours of literacy nutrition. No teacher, no matter how talented, can make up for those lost hours of mental nourishment.

*Therefore...30 minutes daily = 900 hours
30 minutes weekly = 130 hours
Less than 30 minutes weekly = 60 hours

Guess you now understand why reading daily is so very important. Why not have family night reading? It is great to just shut off the television for 20-30 minutes and read... and share.

(Source: U.S. Dept. of Education, America Reads Challenge. (1999) "Start Early, Finish Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a Reader." Washington, D.C.)