Christmas Tree Math


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Last week we completed a Christmas Tree Money activity. Each student was given a bag of coins to decorate their tree with. After they placed their coins on the tree, they had to count up the total amount to find out how much their tree was worth. It was a fun activity!

Balance and Motion


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This week in science, we continued our unit on balance. Our focus question this week was, How can counterweights help us balance other shapes? In order to answer that question, we balanced geometric tagboard shapes in a variety of ways on the end of craft sticks. We used clothespins as counterweights.  We tried to find as many ways as possible to establish stable positions. Below are some pictures from our investigation: 


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

     Yesterday, was Ms. Karena's last day with us. She spent 8 weeks with us! We are definitely going to miss her!! During these 8 weeks, we learned a lot about humane education. We learned about taking care of animals, how animals and people show feelings and emotions, and about conflict resolution.  You can learn more about the HEART program here.  

     For her last day, she read us a book called Listen to the Wind: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.  We learned that many children our age do not have the luxury of attending school in buildings like ours. Many of them don't even have books, pencils and paper. This book helped open our eyes to different countries and cultures. 

    After reading the book, Ms. Karena took out a string instrument called the Appalachian dulcimer.  We were so excited to hear her play it for us! We even made up a song about all the things we learned in her visits with us. Below, are a few pics and even a video of us singing our song! 

HEART Humane Education


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

A few weeks ago, Ms. Karena from the HEART program came and talked to us about caring for animals. We learned that animals need fresh food and water and need to be treated right. We should ALWAYS be nice to animals. While Ms. Karena was visiting, she showed us how to make catnip cat toys. These toys will be given to the animal shelter on Fordham Road.

Balance and Motion


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This past week we began our Science Unit on Balance and Motion. The students used clothespins to find different ways to balance their tagboard crayfish. Below are some pictures of our investigation:

2M9 Knows How to Show BEST Behavior in the Schoolyard


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

Report Card Conferences


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Just a reminder that Report Card Conferences are on Tuesday, November 15th! First session is from 1:00-3:00 and the second session is from 5:00-7:15.

This Week


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Just a reminder that the students do not have school on Tuesday, November 8th and Friday, November 11th. Tuesday is a professional development day for teachers and Friday is Veteran's Day.

Please remember to complete your homework and read every day!

Field Day


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

Here are pictures of the students participating in the field day activities!