

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This week we began publishing our Haiku and Cinquain poems using TuxPaint and StoryJumper. Clink on the link below to see our digital poetry book. 

2M9 Poetry

Community Connections Project


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This year we participated in a global community project with other classes from around the world. As many of you already know, I started this project two years ago when I taught your children in kindergarten.  Back then, we only corresponded with one other class.  Last year, there were three classes and this year there are thirteen!! Every year this project gets bigger and better!  Below are a few pictures from the project wiki page. If you would like to see the completed wiki page, please leave a comment by clicking on the orange circle above. Please include your email address and I will be happy to send you the link with our class username and password.