10 Ways to Be a Better Reader

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

10 ways to be a better reader......read REad rEAD REaD reAD read read rEad ReAd READ!!!! 

It doesn't matter the amount of books your child reads, it's the amount of quality time spent reading books on their independent reading level that's important. We measure the amount of time spent reading in steps. Every 15 minutes your child reads independently, they achieve 1 step. Some children may read 1 or 2 books during the 15 minutes, and others may read more. However, it doesn't matter how many books they read, as long as they are reading during that time. 

Our reading goal is for the students to read for 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes at home. For a total of 4 steps per day. 

Once they read for the 30 minutes, they choose 2 of their favorite books they read during that time and write the title, date, pages read and reading level down on their log sheet. Then, in the area marked "coaches signature", a parent, guardian or teacher signs their name, verifying that the child did in fact earn their reading steps.

Every night your child will take home his/her blue 100 Book Challenge reading book bag. Inside, your child will have 5 books to read as well as a reading folder which contains their reading log.  

Every 20 steps, your child receives a special reading prize to reward them for reaching their independent reading goals. 

Thank you for helping your child achieve great independent reading behaviors that will help him/her reach their reading goals!

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