

Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This week we began publishing our Haiku and Cinquain poems using TuxPaint and StoryJumper. Clink on the link below to see our digital poetry book. 

2M9 Poetry

Community Connections Project


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

This year we participated in a global community project with other classes from around the world. As many of you already know, I started this project two years ago when I taught your children in kindergarten.  Back then, we only corresponded with one other class.  Last year, there were three classes and this year there are thirteen!! Every year this project gets bigger and better!  Below are a few pictures from the project wiki page. If you would like to see the completed wiki page, please leave a comment by clicking on the orange circle above. Please include your email address and I will be happy to send you the link with our class username and password. 

Learning With iPads!


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

We have a few new additions to our class....iPads!!! We have been using them daily in our classroom during literacy and math centers. We LOVE them!! Below are a few pictures of the students using them.

Speller's Choice Homework


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

2M9 Speller’s Choice Homework

You must do one speller’s choice activity each night (Monday-Thursday) in order to prepare for your spelling test on Friday. You will complete the activities in your homework notebook. Please write the name of the activity at the top of your notebook page, along with the date, and then complete the activity. You may choose any four of the following activities.

**Please choose a different activity each night!**

1. ABC Order-Write your words in alphabetical order from a to z.
2. Rainbow Words-Use three different colors to write your words.
3. Sentences-Write each word in a sentence for a total of ten sentences.
4. Backwards Words-Write your words forwards, then backwards!
5. Pyramid Words- Write your words adding one letter at a time. The result
  will be a pyramid shape of words!
                   Example: star
6. Disappearing Words-Write each word, then write it again but leave one
letter out… then write it again and leave TWO letters out… then three… until your word has disappeared!
                   Example: cowboy
                   cowboy     owboy      wboy    boy    oy      y
7. Computer Fun-Use your computer to type your words. Use different fonts
          and make it look really fun! Be sure you print it out and bring it in your
          homework folder!
8. Other Handed-If you are right handed, write your words with your left
          hand! If you are left handed, write your words with your right hand!
9. Super Sentences-use more than one spelling word in a sentence.
10. Backwards ABC Order-write words in backwards abc order from z to a.
11. Two-Color Words: Write each of your spelling words using one
          color for vowels, and one color for consonants.         Example: a b o u t

Fraction Picture Stories


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in

We created these fraction picture stories using TuxPaint! I think they came out great:)

Urban Community Postcard


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

We are currently working on a global community project with other elementary students from around the world. The video featured below is our urban community postcard.  We will be sharing this digital postcard with other students around the world to show them what it's like to live in the Bronx.

Winter Recess Book Project


Posted by Ms. Paino | Posted in ,

Winter Recess Book Project

Over the winter recess, it is important to make sure that your child reads for one hour each day.  Please make sure you are signing your child’s reading log daily.  Remember one hour equals four steps! Also, you can read books that are not part of the 100 Book Challenge. Along with reading, we are also requiring that the students complete two book projects.  Please select two from the list below.  In order to complete this assignment, your child will need: pencils, crayons, markers, paper and any additional supplies you may wish to use.  Please return to school on Monday, February 27th.  

Book Projects

1.  Design a new book cover:  include title, author, illustrator
2. Write a letter to the author of the book telling them what you liked about the book and what you would change.
3. Draw your favorite scene from the book and write about why it was your favorite.
4. Write a different ending to the story.
5. Retell your story using a flow map using words and pictures.

Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy reading!